In this Together Varicose Veins and the NHS

Varicose Veins and the NHS

As a company that works closely with hospitals and the NHS we have known for several years that the NHS would be cutting down on the amount of Varicose Veins procedures within the UK. Now the Sun Newspaper has reported on this amongst other conditions that may be axed from the NHS hit list. Fortunately The Sun also recognises that wearing Compression Support Stockings could help you alleviate the symptoms associated with Varicose Veins such as Tired legs, aching legs, itchiness, dry skin, pains in legs etc.NHS VARICOSE VEINS: In most areas, you’ll seek vein treatment in, er, vain. That’s partly because they’re seen as a cosmetic problem – but also because the results can be disappointing, as varicose veins often recur. You’ll only get surgery if you suffer complications like ulcers or bleeding. Otherwise, try losing weight if you need to and wear support stockings Source: The Sun – NHS Cuts (varicose veins)