In this Together Tweeting Mad

Tweeting Mad

As a consumer it is easy to assume that retailers will promise you the world, for little result at your end.

At Daylong we not only promise the world (or, more specifically, an improved circulatory system) but we also deliver. When we say our products are good for your health, we really do mean it.

As avid social media fans we not only run the Daylong blog, but also a Facebook page and a Twitter. As if to prove our point the world of tweeting has gone mad of late with people reporting their love for their compression hosiery.

Here are some examples of this, that we couldn’t resist retweeting (and reposting here on the Daylong blog).

“BeefingJection Andrew Lorente
by DaylongUK

Compression tights are so great. They are like a loving mother hugging my sore muscles.

SeeSaraRun Sara Weigel
by DaylongUK

I’ve been wearing my compression socks for about 12 hours now. Love them 🙂

mryount Mark R. Yount
by DaylongUK

The wife set me up with compression tights for Christmas. Been rocking them since today’s ride and, call it mental but I can tell a diff.

_myles Alison Fleming
by DaylongUK

I love my new compression running tights! -17 windchill is much more palatable when it feels like your legs are getting a hug!

PhillyMaggi Maggi Buckler
by DaylongUK

Had I better writing skills, I would pen a paean to my compression socks. Sprint workout last night, but no soreness in left calf this a.m.

PT_Sween Luke Sweeney
by DaylongUK

Got to use my compression socks today, only thing that was wrong was my fitness, they did their job magically well.”

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding.